Thursday, August 18, 2011

Back to a routine.....

My 3rd grader & 1st grader

Two very excited kiddos

And they are off....

The evening before school started, we went to the school to meet Chloe and Seth's teachers.

I could have cried the day away, the day before we went to meet his teacher . I was so bluesy thinking of how it is going to be at home without any of my own kiddos there to take care of.

I do not handle change very well!! (Jeremy has been blessed with one of those wives)=)
After the open house I felt so much better....both kids have such sweet and Godly teachers. Chloe was so happy and excited about her room.

This helped me calm my nerves and made me feel like I could handle Tuesday morning without tears!

This is what I heard after the second day of school. He came in the door all smiles and said, "I love school!!" Music to my ears!

Chloe finding her room and desk...Chloe with her Teacher, Mrs. Fritchley

The class pets Jingle & BellChloe checking off her list...
as Jeremy is looking outside wishing he was somewhere else enjoying the beautiful evening!;)

The difference between school and Life?

"In school, you're taught a lesson and than given a test. In life, you're given a test that teaches a lesson."

~Author Unknown

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